About us

About Us

The Trainers Factory started its business journey on 20 Feb 2021 with a single owner who aims to provide customers with quality shoes that are both athletic and cool and to achieve that aim it has been a long 4 year journey started with a single person trying to start a business has grown to a team of 6 people that continuously trying to facilitate customers with high quality sneaker in less profit margin prices so that all customers irrelevant of their financial status can wear the sneakers our sku's grown from 10 to 900 sku's at the moment providing customers with every sort of sneakers available today in the market.

Payment Options 
The aim of providing customers with low price sneakers has made us struggle a lot in real life but we came over any of the obstacles that stood in our way of providing customers with high quality sneakers with low prices.

We use Royal Mail as our shipping partner to dispatch parcels this is most verified and responsible shipping service available in market to fulfil the shipping requirements.
We also use FedEx to deliver parcels it is also a verified and responsible shipping but less delivery time to facilitate urgent shipping situation.

The Message From Owner
We have always tried to facilitate our customers it has and will always be our first priority and to help each other as human so one day we can make this world better for the future generations.

Website name: Hill Retail

Address : 32 Fore St, Taunton, United Kingdom, TA1 1HP.

E-Mail: sales@hillretail.co.uk  

Phone: +447369211626

Customer service: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM (GMT) (Monday – Friday). We usually get back to you within 24 - 48 hours.